Emmie Grace was a frog for Halloween. She had so much fun at the pumpkin patch with her friends. She and Jack loved hanging out by themselves for a little while.
Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!!We had so much fun seeing EG's cousins Hannah Kate and Ben, she can't wait until she's big enough to play with them. It had been too long.....we hope you guys had FUN at the beach. Hannah Kate, I loved meeting your pumpkin, Orangie...We love you guys!!!
p.s. I think Emmie Grace is starting to look more like my little sister, Leslie. She likes to carry her around and let people think she's her baby. Too Cute!
Oh yea, we really missed Uncle Brett and Ryanne, we wish you were there!
A Race For The Cure We had so much FUN run/walking (more walking) today. Aunt Leslie ran the whole time and Amanda and I did a little of both. Emmie Grace did great (not crying), and she loved her new jogging stroller. Thanks Dave.....now I can start running again, YEAH!!!!!
p.s. Dave came down to surprise us at the finish line......he loves riding his motorcycle.
You know those people who wear work out clothes to the mall and walk.....I use to think that was so strange......Well, yesterday I became one of those people. My friend Kristen and I were planning on going walking, but with the rain we had to change plans. When you have a baby....you need to get out of the house and you need to exercise, so we had no other option than the mall. So we are officially "Mall Walkers" and it was so much FUN! Kristen has Jack who is one day older than Emmie Grace and we love getting together. Even though they don't know it yet, Jack and Emmie Grace are best of friends. We thought they would enjoy hanging out in the same stroller......Too cute!
July 30, 2008 was such a big day for our family........Emmie Grace was born weighing 6lbs 3ounces, 19 1/2 inches long. Dave and I have loved being parents for the past 10 weeks, we never knew we would love our baby girl soooooooooooooooo much. Hopefully we can keep our family and friends up to date with whats going on in our lives and share a few pictures (I just now downloaded pics from her birth). Emmie Grace has grown and changed so much over the past 10 weeks, it's hard to believe how fast time is already going by.